Who helps companies find their Profit in Plain Sight? We do!
ProfitU delivers the proven roadmap and tools to achieve world-class profits
Proven to Deliver Results:
- Fund the growth you want
- Engage your team to impact profit every day
- Create positive cash flow and reduce debt
- Achieve Take-it-to-the-Bank Results every 30 days
Kick-start your higher profits with the no-cost 30-day Bootcamp...
Hidden... in Foresight. Obvious... in Hindsight. Profit... in Plain Sight.
ProfitU IS NOT another cost-cutting exercise or managers-only “training program” to add to your CFO’s to do list.
ProfitU IS a straightforward, practical integrated Learn-Do roadmap delivered to a small cross-functional team of high performers at all levels who can really make a difference, via in-house e-Learning, that bakes customer-, supplier- and employee-friendly profitability practices right into your culture.
The Profit in Plain Sight Accountability Dashboard makes it easy for your team to spot exactly where to easily and immediately tweak the small everyday behaviors that create or destroy profitability, and hold themselves accountable to generate rapid, sustainable bottom-line results every 30 days.
Finally, you’ll have cash in the bank for growth or to buffer market uncertainties, without conventional cost-slashing and downsizing or time away, freeing you up to work ON your business, not IN your business.
It reqntuires a small weekly time commitme to learn the straightfoward yet powerful practices and mindset shifts (not theory), then immediately apply learning and see results in a way that quickly becomes part of the way you do business.
Unlike conventional training or consulting offerings, your team learns not just what to do, but how to do it in a way that reflects your unique business and will serve your team for years to come. There is no need to re-design any of your current management or accounting systems, or implement new ones. The proven profit strategies, tactics, and practices required to significantly improve your bottom line are tested and proven, just waiting for your team to get started..
Your “C.E.O.S.” (Customers – Employees – Operations – Suppliers)
hold the key to finding the hidden profit everywhere in your business,
supported by ProfitU eLearning and the Profit in Plain Sight Dashboard.
Guaranteed to deliver results, even if you feel like you’ve already tried everything.

Within the first 30 days of working through ProfitU we added enough profit to our bottom line to fund the entire program. Within 3 months our margins were up 5% and individual sales were up 7-13% year-over year, enabling us to hit breakeven. Within the first 6 months, ProfitU transformed our business from a loss of $20K/month to profits of $18K/month.
CEO, Family-owned Distributor of Hospitality Supplies and Equipment.
Engage with customers, suppliers, and employees to implement two powerfully simple practices that change your team’s mindsets, behaviors and results… forever.
Powerful Practice #1
LEARN the Find 1% Everywhere Strategies

The ProfitU eLearning Management System engages your team with the week-by-week roadmap showing exactly how to optimize the everyday employee, customer, and supplier behaviors that create or destroy profit.
Your employees often unintentionally do more harm than good by increasing low- or no-margin sales with close-the-deal discounts. Or, their efforts to cut costs inadvertently damage quality, service, or operations.
The 67 strategies and practices your team will learn during ProfitU show you exactly how to find 1% everywhere (and often a lot more!) safely, sustainably, in all the right places. No destructive downsizing or cost-slashing required.
Powerful Practice #2
APPLY and Achieve Turn it Green Execution

The Accountability Dashboard motivates your team by showing your team where all the opportunities are, and how to quickly take action and achieve visible, measurable results creates team accountability and motivation.
Every time they “turn it green” on the Dashboard, they’ll celebrate visible wins and put profit on your bottom line. But what’s in it for them to stay the course and remain engaged?
Together you’ll create the Profit Wish List of all the great growth initiatives that are on hold in your business. When they see profit used to make their jobs easier, more secure, and more enjoyable, it’s like a game they keep wanting to win.
Engage with customers, suppliers, and employees to implement two powerfully simple practices that change your team’s mindsets, behaviors and results… forever.
Powerful Practice #1
LEARN the Find 1% Everywhere Strategies

Powerful Practice #2
APPLY and Achieve Turn it Green Execution

The ProfitU eLearning Management System engages your team with the week-by-week roadmap showing exactly how to optimize the everyday employee, customer, and supplier behaviors that create or destroy profit.
Your employees often unintentionally do more harm than good by increasing low- or no-margin sales with close-the-deal discounts. Or, their efforts to cut costs inadvertently damage quality, service, or operations.
The 67 strategies and practices your team will learn during ProfitU show you exactly how to find 1% everywhere (and often a lot more!) safely, sustainably, in all the right places. No destructive downsizing or cost-slashing required.
The Accountability Dashboard motivates your team by showing your team where all the opportunities are, and how to quickly take action and achieve visible, measurable results creates team accountability and motivation.
Every time they “turn it green” on the Dashboard, they’ll celebrate visible wins and put profit on your bottom line. But what’s in it for them to stay the course and remain engaged?
Together you’ll create the Profit Wish List of all the great growth initiatives that are on hold in your business. When they see profit used to make their jobs easier, more secure, and more enjoyable, it’s like a game they keep wanting to win.
Across all industries, world-class Net Income per Employee is about $250K/year. Average is about $50K.
If your numbers are below that (and even if you’re losing money), it’s time to give us a call.
We’ll crunch the numbers in your industry for you to establish your benchmark… then help your team set a new goal and reach it.

When you apply for ProfitU, we'll benchmark how you stack up against the best in your industry... and your competitors. Aren't you curious to know where your company ranks?
On a Profit scale of 1-10 where 10 couldn't be better,
Click on your number below to access the Profit Multiplier Checklist and learn where you need to take action to improve your bottom line.
You’re losing money or supporting the business with owner/founder funding in ways that aren’t sustainable.
Even if you’re losing money, you don’t have to “find the budget” for ProfitU. The no-fee 30 Day Bootcamp makes ProfitU cash flow positive from day 1 & finds the funds to pay for ProfitU many times over.
You often have a great year on the top line, but not enough to show for it on the bottom line.
You’re not alone, and the good news is that ProfitU offers specific strategies for the 40% of companies who increase sales yet see a reduction in their profits.
Great! High-performing companies engage with ProfitU when:
1. They’re ready to build on strengths, benchmark and pursue world-class profits.
2. They want to build a stronger P&L or Balance Sheet to fund capital investments, market expansion, acquisitions, or a liquidity event.
We know you’re saying ‘We have no budget!” No problem.
The Profit in Plain Sight Bootcamp (included upon your acceptance into ProfitU) requires NO upfront payment for the first 30 days.
We start with a spirit of partnership, investing in you before you invest with us. It’s not about cost-cutting, its about discovering costs that shouldn’t even BE in your business.
The savings clients find with the Bootcamp (even when running a tight ship with costs already cut to the bone) typically keep ProfitU cash-flow positive from Day 1.

We were losing money when we first met. This year we will achieve $59,000 of profit per employee (and I believe there is an upside to that number.) I credit this to the Profit Plan you taught us.
CEO, Information Technology and Systems Integrator
We know your people are going to tell you “We have no time!”
No worries.
Your already-busy employees often don’t believe they have any control over what actually turns up on your bottom line.
ProfitU shows them how they can make a difference just by tweaking the work they’re already doing every day.
If your people have time for daily email and (boring, unproductive) weekly meetings, they have time for ProfitU… and they’ll find it a whole lot more rewarding.

We know your people are going to tell you “We have no time!”
No worries.
Your already-busy employees often don’t believe they have any control over what actually turns up on your bottom line.
ProfitU shows them how they can make a difference just by tweaking the work they’re already doing every day.
If your people have time for daily email and (boring, unproductive) weekly meetings, they have time for ProfitU… and they’ll find it a whole lot more rewarding.

Profitability is about Behaviors, not Bookkeeping.
Skeptical? Results. Guaranteed.
You’re not alone if previous attempts to implement books, training, and consulting have fizzled out. Conventional approaches typically describe what you should do, but leave the rest for you to figure out.
ProfitU provides the What, Why, and How that gets your employees engaged in being part of the solution.
The Profit in Plain Sight Dashboard provides the Who, When and Where to keep the team focused and on top of taking action and celebrating results.
Monthly mentoring and our unique-in-the-industry Whatever-it-Takes Guarantee support your success every step of the way.
Turn good intentions into Take-it-to-the-Bank Results
Every kid knows that they should put part of their allowance into their piggy bank so that they can save up for something bigger and better than candy. It simply makes sense to do that in your business too. It sounds so simple, its incredibly powerful, yet it’s the practice our ProfitU clients struggle with the most.
That’s why there’s a tested and proven Take-it-to-the-Bank process (along with some serious hold-your-feet-to-fire support from your Mentor) that helps you turn the conventional-yet-flawed Revenue – Expenses = Profit equation upside down. It is the key to creating new habits that result in you feeling great about your business again.
ProfitU Delivers Results in Your Industry

Trusted and Proven by Manufacturing Firms
You need solutions for slow growth, declining sales, rework that extends to areas far beyond the shop floor, and outdated or commoditized products.
ProfitU delivers.
From Operational Mayhem at a Loss to Eliminating millions of Rework and Financing an Acquisition

Trusted and Proven by Distribution Firms
You’re wrestling with highly competitive markets, intense pressure on margins, and the need to add value in new ways.
ProfitU delivers.
From Founder-Financed to Highly Profitable in Less Than Six Months

Trusted and Proven by Services Firms
You're wrestling with low margins due to overserving clients in an attempt to differentiate in a crowded market, and challenged to streamline service delivery, optimize fees, and innovate.
ProfitU delivers.
From Self-Inflicted Profit Wounds to a Transformed the Bottom Line

You know you have the potential to be more profitable. You know something needs to change.
When you’re fed up with simply hoping for different results by doing business as usual, contact us to find the Profit in Plain Sight that’s hidden in your business.